The last month or so has been particularly cold here on the South Coast with temperatures dropping very low and Worthing even had a flurry of snow. During these particularly cold spells, we of course spend our time indoors. We always find lots of things to do inside to keep us busy and, most importantly, warm! You can find out about the type of activities we’ve been doing in our last blog post.
We have, however, seen signs that the weather is starting to take a turn for the better, as we’re starting to notice signs of life beginning in the garden. Most notably our bulbs have begun to sprout. These were planted in the Autumn by some of our green-fingered residents and it’s a joy to see them make an appearance. It’s a sign that warmer weather is on the way and soon the icy mornings will make way for sunny ones.

We always try to make sure that our residents are able to continue to do the things that they enjoy while staying with us. For some, that means being able to get outside into the garden and tend to our flower beds. Once Spring is in full swing, we’re sure that our resident gardeners will be back outside to start planting bedding plants. These create beautiful floral displays for everyone to enjoy.
Reflecting the seasons at Heaton House
While our garden naturally changes throughout the year to reflect the seasons, it’s not the only thing that changes. We love to have seasonal activities planned and different menus at different times of the year. These are influenced by what’s growing in our herb garden at that time of year. We’ve written a blog post about the home-cooked food we enjoy at Heaton House and you can read it here.
Seeing the seasonal changes through the activities we do, the food we eat and what the garden looks like reassures residents. It also triggers long-term memories of seasonal things that have happened in the past. For example; planting bulbs in the Autumn might make someone remember doing it with their mum as a child. Our carers always love chatting with residents about memories and encourage them to talk about the good experiences they’ve had.
Looking forward to Spring and Summer
The bulbs sprouting are a sure sign that Spring is well on its way and we can’t wait for the warmer weather so we can enjoy our garden. During the Winter months, a lot of residents enjoy watching the wildlife from our picture windows in the lounge. So it’ll be lovely to be able to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. We also have lots of outdoor activities planned in the warmer months like adventure golf and garden parties with the children from Little Elms Nursery.
There’s currently a rare opportunity to join our family as we have flexible accommodation available in the form of two rooms. This could suit either two separate people or possibly a couple.
If you’re interested, please call us on 01903 700251 and ask to speak to Sally or Sue or email