Spring will be starting soon (thankfully) – we can’t be the only ones who are getting fed up with this awful weather we’ve been having.
The doors to our beautiful garden have been closed for quite some time and we can’t wait to open them again.

Although it is used less in these colder months, we still like to spend time in our summer house when the sun shines. Even if we’re out there with our coats on and a cup of tea in hand, it can be very relaxing to listen to the birds for a short while. But of course we can’t wait for the weather to warm up a bit so we can spend even more time there.
The doors to our beautiful garden may be closed more often, but that doesn’t stop us from seeing it through our big picture window and watching it come back to life in the Spring.

There’s always lots going on here at Heaton House and Spring is no different. In fact, we love the transition of the seasons and it means we can all enjoy a variation of things. Like watching birds fly into the garden, collecting twigs for their nests and feeding their young.
Over the years, Heaton House has seen some interesting animals visiting. But one of our favourites has got to be the sheep who came to see us last Summer. It is around this time of year that lambs are born and we can just imagine them skipping through the green fields.

The magnolia tree outside our front door will be blooming soon and we can’t wait for that burst of colour to be welcoming visitors. It has always proved to be popular so as soon as it is blooming you can expect a photo to be posted on Sally’s social media.
One of the main things associated with Spring is Spring Cleaning. It is a tradition that dates back to the days before central heating. Efforts were made to stop the heat from escaping during winter, but as the weather got warmer, and the fireplaces were being used less people used it as an opportunity to air the house and do a deep clean.
Here at Heaton House we are constantly cleaning and if any of our residents want to get involved, we have no objection and will happily hand them a duster!
We hope that you all have a great spring time and get outside into the fresh air – we certainly will be!