When the country first went into lockdown back in 2020, we adapted as best we could to still offer the best of care while keeping safe. Once it was safe enough to allow visits again, we ensured that residents and visitors met outside for safety.
This worked very well and we even converted our summerhouse into a visitor centre. However; some residents found that it was too cold to sit in the visitor centre. This is why we introduced a hearing loop system.

The loop system allowed residents to sit inside at the window and visitors outside, on the opposite side of the window and have a conversation. We had fantastic feedback from this and it was great to see visits still happening; albeit with safety measures in place.
As of April 2022, visitors are allowed back inside our home now (lateral flow test permitting) and we’ve found other uses for the loop system. To include everyone in our music sessions.
Unfortunately, some residents are unable to join us in the lounge, but would still like to be involved. Using the hearing loop, they’re able to still hear what’s going on. Allowing them to still feel included in the music session.
Now the weather is getting warmer, some of our residents love to sit in the summerhouse while others prefer the comfort of the lounge. Having the hearing loop means that they can still chat if they like and call for assistance if needed. Some of our residents have specific health needs and having the hearing loop allows one of the carers to always be able to hear them. Should they need any assistance or another cup of tea!
It’s great to be able to use technology in this positive way and make communication between residents, visitors and staff much easier. Some of our visitors have even commented on how well the system works saying, “it’s even better than hearing aids”!
Dementia care is constantly moving forward and we like to be right there with it. Our hearing loop is just one part of that, but the positivity it has brought to our residents and visitors is great. We will definitely keep you ‘in the loop’ about the next thing we do too. Pun certainly intended!