As you may know, craft work is a big part of our weekly activities at Heaton House. Most of our residents really enjoy getting stuck into all sorts of crafting activities like flower arranging and card decorating. So we thought it would be a great idea to get involved in the Loving Earth Project for display at Worthing Arts Festival.

The entry was for Heaton House as a whole so residents worked together to discuss and plan their entry. Which was a fantastic opportunity for everyone to come together to work on something. It was lovely to see all the residents busy planning in the lounge!

About our entry

After much discussion, we decided on the selection of artwork you see below. Each one focuses on celebrating some of the wonderful things threatened by growing environmental breakdown. Which is what The Loving Earth Project is about.

The residents used a variety of art techniques, including but not limited to painting, ribbon arranging, printing and textile artwork.

Above all, the residents wanted to make sure that their entry was colourful which we think they’ve certainly achieved. Their display is eye catching and we hope that all the visitors to the Worthing Arts Festival enjoy looking at our art.

More photos of our entry

If you would like to find out more about Heaton House, please contact us at care@heaton-house.