Our residents had a proper treat last week with a fully Covid-safe theatre production from Vamos Theatre. 

Worcester-based Vamos Theatre developed the production as a response to the pandemic and created a Covid-safe performance especially for care home residents. Staged entirely outside (with windows closed), but viewed from the inside, Love Through Double Glazing brings extra laughter and love to older people across the UK. The show was written and performed by clown performer Sean Kempton, Rachael Savage and Norah the fluffy white dog. 

The show was thoroughly enjoyed by our residents and staff as well as some of our residents’ loved ones who came to see the show too. Sally Neil-Smith, owner of our home said, “It was absolutely fantastic to see everyone getting involved and for the residents to enjoy it so much. I’d like to thank Worthing Borough Council and Worthing Theatres for funding it. It’s great to have a Council and Theatre trust that cares for our elderly and wants to ensure theatre is inclusive. A lovely afternoon was had by all.”

From left to right: Rachael Savage with Norah the dog, owner of Heaton House, Sally Neil-Smith and Sean Kempton

Brimming with clowning, music, food fights, bubbles and ballet, the performance involved the audience in Covid-safe participation, with scents to smell, cake to eat and bubbles. It was fantastic to see how keen our residents were to get involved and it was so lovely to see the joy the show brought them. 

Rachael, one of the performers commented about the production, “This show has been huge fun to make. We’ve made a show that is funny, cheeky and unashamedly silly, and our aim is for all of our audiences to feel included, to let their hair down and most of all to laugh.” 

Unusually, Heaton House has a room available at the moment. For more information, visit the availability page on their website or call 01903 700251 and ask to speak to Sally or Sue